wildE WP3 Barcelona


Stanislava Brnkalakova gave a talk about the EU´s policies relevant at WP3 wildE workshop 

October 4, 2023

During the wildE WP3 workshop "Rewilding futures: land-use, climate and rewilding scenarios" held in Barcelona, Dr. Stanislava Brnkalakova gave a speech about the key EU´s policies relevant for wildE project. Research team of SlovakGlobe, a joint workplace of Institute of Forest Ecology SAS and Institute of Management STU, focuses its research within Task 2.3 in WP2 on institutional analysis of rewilding policy framework at global, EU´s, national and local level of countries and rewilding cases involved in wildE  project.

Author of report and picture: Stanislava Brnkalakova

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