Rewilding as key approach to cope with climate change in turbulent times?
The conference "Leadership & Politics & Governance in Turbulent Times: Global and Geopolitical Challenges in a Changing Europe" at the Prague University of Economics and Business was organized in hybrid format and attended by nearly 50 participants over the two days March 14-15, 2024. The conference aimed to bring together an international community of scholars interested in developing original perspectives across various fields such as city and regional development studies, economic and human/social geography, political science, policy, public administration studies, and cross-border studies.
Photo: Conference organizer
Olena Shelvytska, a PhD student at SlovakGlobe, introduced her research under international Horizon Europe wildE project and national project VEGA 2/0170/21 addressing the topic "Rewilding as Nature Based Solution? Policy implications of global climate changes in turbulent times". Her insightful presentation sparked engaging discussions and raised pertinent questions from the audience.
Opening slide of Olena´s speech
Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary discussions and advance debates surrounding transnational leadership and governance in city and regional development settings. The conference successfully achieved its goal of refreshing interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing understanding of the drivers, dynamics, and outcomes of transnational leadership and governance.