IFE SAS at Coevolvers project meeting in Budapest


Our team attended annual project meeting of the project Coevolvers which was held in Budapest in October 10-12. Together with all project partners we discussed agenda for all project work packages (WPs).

Tatiana Kluvankova (representing IFE SAS) presented progress in Governance institutions for NBS design and implementation (WP4), in particular progress in collection of data from interviews and surveys in living labs. Moreover we have organized a special session for exchange of experience from interviews and surveys among living labs (let by Stanislava Brnkaľáková, Tomáš Szabo and Dominik Horváth from IFE SAS). Martin Špaček (CETIP Network) presented progress in Role board game "Ecopoly: Together Better" development which is let by IFE SAS and CETIP teams. We were also involved in different discussions with other projects partners and exchanged our experience from implementation of the project in Living Lab Beskydy as well as in all project tasks. We had an opportunity to gain insights from so called Overseas cousin from Grenada (CETIP was represented by Jiří Louda) and gain reflections from the Advisory Board members, including Maria Kozová, Ugo Toić Luca Frankó and Christopher Raymond. A part of the meeting was also short excursion focussed on green infrastructure in Budapest, including backyards gardens.  

Our representatives also participated in Steering Committee meeting and General Assembly meeting where dates for the next projects meetings were established, in May in Cagliary, Sardinia, Italy and in September in Velké Karlovice, Czech, which will be organized by our team.

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