In education CETIP acts since 2012 by promoting interdisciplinary research and academic excellence. In particular we aims to bring concept of multiple method approach (originally by Pottete, Janssen, Ostrom, 2010) developed by CETIP as the training course to support intergenerational continuity and increase research and collaborative capacity of doctoral and post doctoral interdisciplinary researchers. To date the course has been incorporated into the regular PhD program at Slovak University of Technology and Comenius University Bratislava. Previously it took a part of training series of the European Society for Ecological Economics (2012-2014) and THEMES training school serie (2007) with participation of Elinor Ostrom (more here).

New teaching modules of Ecological Economics and Managing Global Change addresses ongoing societal challenges in climate change and degrowth economic theories at Bachelor, Master and PhD level. 

Ecological Economics (PDF)

Interdiscipinary Research (PDF)

Managing Global Change(PDF)

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